Supporting the Next Frontier

Gifts From Linda Patterson—an Important Member of NASA's History—and Her Husband, Wesley, Recognize 'What a Small Blue Dot We Inhabit'_

Wesley and Linda Patterson

Wesley and Linda Patterson at the National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC
(Photo credit: Erika Hartings)

"We have grown up in a time when our knowledge of the universe and our place in it has exploded," says Linda Patterson, one of the first women to be certified to serve in the Mission Control Center, Systems Division, at the Johnson Space Center. "Thanks to NASA's efforts taking us to the moon and solar system, we now understand what a small blue dot we inhabit."

She continues, "The Smithsonian, much like NASA, looks beyond today to inspire continual amazement in lifelong exploration."

Linda and her husband, Wesley, have long supported the Smithsonian from afar. "The Smithsonian does not wait for history," asserts Linda. "It actively makes history by funding research for the advancement of knowledge. And it makes all this available to inspire the public for free."

This zeal for learning and discovery is evident in the Pattersons' bequest to support four Smithsonian centers: the National Air and Space Museum, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, and the National Museum of Natural History.

In 2012, the Pattersons added a named endowment at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory to support current efforts and to inspire new generations to investigate the origin, evolution, and ultimate fate of the universe.

"We already had our Smithsonian bequest planned, but we felt strongly that we needed to start giving now," says Linda. "Mankind is set apart by realizing and understanding its place in the universe. We want to support the optimistic vision for humanity to explore beyond Earth—and to progress, as we always have, out into the next frontier."

Through their gifts, the Pattersons help to ensure that the Smithsonian will continue to push boundaries and share discoveries that will advance human knowledge and innovation far into the future.

Exploring Our World, Together

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